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New posts in plyr

Elegant way to solve ddply task with aggregate (hoping for better performance)

r aggregate plyr

Assigning group ID with ddply

r plyr

R Plyr - Ordering results from DDPLY?

r plyr

Use ddply within a function and include variable of interest as an argument

r plyr

Use object names within a list in lapply/ldply

r plyr

Efficiently locate group-wise constant columns in a data.frame

r dataframe plyr

R - Speeding up approximate date match. idata.frame?

r data.table plyr subset

Blend of na.omit and na.pass using aggregate?

r aggregate plyr summary

Split Data Frame into Rows of Fixed Size

r split dataframe plyr

How do I use plyr to number rows?

r plyr

Finding the column number and value the of second highest value in a row

r dataframe plyr

Calculate "group characteristics" without ddply and merge

r merge plyr

Strange environment behavior in parallel plyr

r parallel-processing plyr

ddply for creating the union of lists

r plyr

imputing data with median by date in R [duplicate]

r plyr missing-data median

Why am I seeing "Error: length(rows) == 1 is not TRUE" with ddply?

r plyr summary

pass grouped dataframe to own function in dplyr

r plyr dplyr

lm called from inside dlply throws "0 (non-NA) cases" error [r]

r plyr lm

ddply to multiple columns equivalent in data.table

r data.table plyr

Improve speed/use of gDistance function by using parallel processing and/or plyr/dplyr?

r plyr spatial sp