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Do I need to make multiple executables for targeting different instruction sets?

why for loop has 1 extra instruction than expected?

Compiling in GCC: Is -O3 harmful?

gcc optimization

Delphi optimisation : constant loop

Is it better to use an array of pointers to members or a switch?

Is there any good algorithm for detecting the clients which stopped sending heartbeats to server?

Why does this Haskell program leak space when compiled with optimizations?

Find how many times each number between N and M can be expressed as a sum of a pair of primes

Performance of gzipped json vs efficient binary serialization

efficient loop over numpy array

Why is there two sequential move to EAX under optimization build?

Fastest way to get class types of elements of a cell array

Do compilers optimize out parameters that aren't used?

c++ optimization

Using more worker processes than there are cores

Question about GCC Optimizer and why this code always returns 42?

c gcc optimization

Number or String while setting style values with javascript

javascript optimization

Optimizing an incrementing ASCII decimal counter in video RAM on 7th gen Intel Core

Fitting two lines to a set of 2D points

A fast coding tip somehow ended up making the code slower in Julia

optimization types julia

Count nodes within k distance of marked nodes in grid