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New posts in optimization

Quick integer logarithm for special case

GCC Optimization results in "Undefined symbol" at runtime

c++ optimization gcc

Optimize this python log-parsing code

Optimzing SSE-code

Why is putting the module level code into a function and then calling the function is faster in Python?

Optimize my performance

Overhead of HTML whitespace indentation

How to write generic code while avoiding indirect calls?

How can I optimize MySQL query for update?

mysql optimization

Equivalent of python:scipy.optimize() in C++?

Unicorn CPU usage spiking during load tests, ways to optimize

How to Add Expires headers for amazon s3 images?

2D convolution in matlab - code optimization

Scipy minimize fmin - problems with syntax

Optimization of subsequent calls to integer division and modulo (remainder)

Hotspot in a for loop

Is there any performance value in creating local copies of Lua functions?

How can I avoid a virtual call when I know the type?

Does long query string affect the speed?

Does the (gcc) compiler optimize away empty-body functions?

c++ gcc optimization