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Hotspot in a for loop

I am trying to optimize this code.

lvh_distance levenshtein_distance( const std::string & s1, const std::string & s2 )
    const size_t len1 = s1.size(), len2 = s2.size();
    std::vector<unsigned int> col( len2+1 ), prevCol( len2+1 );

    const size_t prevColSize = prevCol.size();
    for( unsigned int i = 0; i < prevColSize; i++ )
        prevCol[i] = i;

    for( unsigned int i = 0, j; i < len1; ++i )
        col[0] = i+1;
        const char s1i = s1[i];
        for( j = 0; j < len2; ++j )
            const auto minPrev = 1 + std::min( col[j], prevCol[1 + j] );
            col[j+1] = std::min( minPrev, prevCol[j] + (  s1i == s2[j] ? 0 : 1 ) );

        col.swap( prevCol );
    return prevCol[len2];

Intel VTune shows that roughly half of the processor time is spent in the second for instruction, not the 2 lines inside the for loop. When I unroll the assembly source, I can see that the for c++ instruction has been translated into a number of opcodes, 3 of which seem to be devouring the CPU time:

Code Location   Source Line Assembly    CPU Time
        Block 14:   [Unknown]
0x420c00    31  movq  (%r12), %rcx  19.969ms
0x420c04    30  add $0x1, %r11d [Unknown]
0x420c08    32  test %rbx, %rbx [Unknown]
0x420c0b    30  movl  %r11d, (%r8)  [Unknown]
0x420c0e    31  movzxb  (%rcx,%rdx,1), %r9d 19.964ms
0x420c13    32  jz 0x420c53 <Block 17>  [Unknown]
        Block 15:   [Unknown]
0x420c15    32  movq  (%rbp), %r10  [Unknown]
0x420c19    32  mov %r11d, %edx [Unknown]
0x420c1c    32  xor %ecx, %ecx  39.928ms
0x420c1e    32  xor %edi, %edi  [Unknown]
        Block 16:   [Unknown]
0x420c20    34  add $0x1, %edi  29.994ms
0x420c23    34  mov %edi, %esi  30.956ms
0x420c25    34  movl  (%rax,%rsi,4), %r15d  180.659ms
0x420c29    34  cmp %r15d, %edx 39.896ms
0x420c2c    34  cmovbe %edx, %r15d  19.951ms
0x420c30    35  xor %edx, %edx  460.772ms
0x420c32    34  add $0x1, %r15d 19.946ms
0x420c36    35  cmpb  (%r10,%rcx,1), %r9b   169.659ms  
0x420c3a    35  setnz %dl   49.815ms
0x420c3d    35  addl  (%rax,%rcx,4), %edx   [Unknown]
0x420c40    32  mov %rsi, %rcx               210.615ms  <------------------
0x420c43    32  cmp %edx, %r15d              29.936ms
0x420c46    32  cmovbe %r15d, %edx          29.938ms
0x420c4a    32  cmp %rsi, %rbx              558.298ms  <-------------------
0x420c4d    35  movl  %edx, (%r8,%rsi,4)    19.965ms
0x420c51    32  jnbe 0x420c20 <Block 16>    200.625ms  <-------------------

I don’t understand how a simple move and compare could be that time-consuming.

like image 821
qdii Avatar asked Apr 22 '13 10:04


1 Answers

Profiler cannot show you the exact most time-consuming instructions because all modern CPUs use out-of-order and speculative execution. It is not unusual to see the largest measured time one or two lines away from the most time-consuming instruction.

As expected, the most time consuming instructions here are cmovbe (implementing std::min). You can see the largest times near them: 460.772ms and 558.298ms. cmovbe are the most time consuming instructions because usually they have large latency and more dependencies on preceding instructions.

like image 162
Evgeny Kluev Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 17:09

Evgeny Kluev