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create nuget package fails with 'Path is not of a legal form'

c# msbuild nuget

VSIX with Project Templates and NuGet Packages

NuGet shows updates for MVC, Web Pages, Razor, but won't install them

asp.net-mvc nuget

Storing nuget packages in alternate location on build server

.net msbuild nuget

How to properly remove PropertyChanged.Fody via NuGet

How to compile and link google tests in C++ project in Visual Studio 2013 but with Gtest installed by NuGet Package Manager?

Can new projects in VS2017 store nuget packages in project packages director?

How can I use msbuild without project.assets.json or nuget restore?

msbuild nuget

How to include pre-release packages with MSBuild restore target

Include 3rd party DLLs in a NuGet package generated from a VS csproj

Error "NU3034 This package is signed but not by a trusted signer"

Nuget package - rename a file to be based on project namespace

powershell nuget

NuGet: NHibernate, Castle.Core 3.0 and where is ProxyFactoryFactory?

Why is there a "packages" folder and how to make it work?

c# web nuget

How do you extract a version number from nuspec into TeamCity?

teamcity nuget teamcity-8.0

Nuget DisableSourceControlIntegration not working

tfs nuget azure-devops

Manually adding a reference to Entity Framework

Nuget Cant install Xamarin.Android.Support.Animated.Vector.Drawable 27.0.2

NuGet v4 contentFiles not getting copied to output

NuGet Project > Add Library Package Reference not appearing