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New posts in nuget

Nuget Server responds with (405) Method Not Allowed while pushing or deleting a package

How to publish nuget package with the same version?


Teamcity NuGet Repository corruption

teamcity nuget teamcity-7.1

Error in Entity Framework 6.0.2 using "Migration"

NuGet Package restore failed for project myProjectWeb: Unable to find version '3.0.1' of package 'AppForSharePoint16WebToolkit'

sharepoint nuget

MSBuildTasks and NuGet - How can I restore MSBuild.Community.Tasks.dll?

TFS Build 2015 failing because of incorrect NuGet version even when the required one is present in the build machine

C# visual studio how to relocate nuget package folder?

c# visual-studio nuget

What are the parameters passed to the 'install.ps1' script of a NuGet package?

powershell nuget

updating nunit-console on command line

How configure packages.config to download the highest version

How do I use dotnet pack to create a nuget package for .net core

.net-core nuget

Get license information for all used NuGet packages in .NET Core outside of Visual Studio

Is there a .NET (Core) equivalent of npm link?

nuget.exe in Visual Studio 2019

Azure Pipelines: "No packages matched the search pattern."

Restructuring Default MVC3 Project Directories And NuGet [duplicate]

Entity Framework 5.0 RC - Package Manager command 'add-migration' fails due to supposedly missing configuration type

how to specify location of nuget packages when package restore is enabled?

Why use SSL for the NuGet repository?