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New posts in msbuildcommunitytasks

FxCop is not respecting my excludes

TeamCity + WiX + MSBuild workflow suggestions needed

Editing Project Properties for Publish Version in team build

Do the MSBuild Community Tasks or Extension Pack work with Mono's xbuild?

How best to update an XML node in MSBuild

MSBuildTasks and NuGet - How can I restore MSBuild.Community.Tasks.dll?

The "MSBuild.Community.Tasks.FileUpdate" task could not be loaded

error MSB6006: "svnversion.exe" exited with code 1

Avoiding local dependencies for MSBuild Community Tasks within Visual Studio 2010

MSBuild: adding/copying empty folders via Zip/Copy task

tf.exe on tfspreview

Moving a file in MSBuild using relative path

MS Build copy a list of directories stored in Item

TeamCity's AssemblyInfo patcher's number format

MSBuild Task for setting custom attribute in AssemblyInfo.cs

MSBuild and creating ZIP files

MSBuild.Community.Tasks.Attrib on x64 machine failing

How can I use msbuild to download a file?