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New posts in nuget

How to create a nuget metapackage with the dotnet command?

.net .net-core nuget

Creating a Visual Studio Project Template that already includes a Nuget Package Reference?

Use Nuget on an intranet


Do Nuget packages need to be added by every developer who works on same VS project?

visual-studio nuget

Purpose of scan.TheCallingAssembly, scan.WithDefaultConventions in StructureMap-MVC3

nuget local package source is unable to find package

nuget nuget-package

Adding NuGet package present on hard drive (Not hosted anywhere) to a project

Retrieve created NuGet package filename from 'nuget pack' command?


NuGet not getting missing packages

Where is my TeamCity NuGet API Key stored?

nuget teamcity

What's the difference between xamarin component and reference?

TeamCity not restoring NuGet packages from particular package source

Umbraco 7.5.4 installation error: Invalid Objectname CmsContent

Powershell wildcard / regex replace

regex powershell nuget

Can Nuget be used to get the source code of an open source library?

visual-studio-2015 nuget

Packaging nuget package on VSTS 'Newtonsoft.Json' already has a dependency defined for 'NETStandard.Library'

.NET Standard library output doesn't include nuget dependencies

c# .net visual-studio nuget

The package source named 'NuGet' is either invalid or not available

Hosting NuGet repository via Apache / http server

nuget nuget-server

Commiting libraries added via NuGet