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New posts in azure-pipelines-release-pipeline

Modify TFS 2015 BuildNumber during build process

How to create auto-updating UWP package for sideloading in DevOps build or release pipelines?

Passing VSTS Release Multi-Configuration Phase two variables, but only one multiplier

Allow PR Build Validation builds without publishing artifacts

Version 4 of Azure App Service Deploy - ERROR_USER_NOT_AUTHORIZED_FOR_CREATEAPP

VSTS : Can I access the Build variables from Release definition?

Azure DevOps Multi-Tenant Release Stage

VSTS pass parameter in Pipeline between stages

Access file content within an Azure Dev Ops/VSTS artifact using REST API

Ignore files within the 'Delete Files Task'

VSTS How to Trigger a Deployment Containing Multiple Release Definitions

Publish Nuget Package using Azure Devops

Azure devops pipeline get work items between builds

Azure pipeline delete Files on app service before deploy

Azure DevOps - AzureBlob File Copy task fails while copying files to blob storage

Azure Function deployed successfully, but not working