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Get license information for all used NuGet packages in .NET Core outside of Visual Studio

We have a requirement in our project to list all of the licensed nuget packages. It would be ideal to generate them to some kind of csv, json, xml file. It would have to be done by build or by CI/CD tool. The problem is the only way I found to get that listing is by calling:

Get-Package | Select-Object Id,LicenseUrl

inside Visual studios package manager. I found also some sample powershell scripts but they are all based on versions of .net prior to .net core and are based on reading packages folder which in .net core version no longr exists.

Is there any way to achieve what we need in .NET Core ?


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cah1r Avatar asked Apr 02 '19 09:04


People also ask

How do I get a list of NuGet packages?

go to the Project or Solution in question. right click, Manage NuGet Packages... on the left, you will see 'Installed Packages' click on this and you will see the list.

Where are .NET core NuGet packages stored?

The global-packages folder is where NuGet installs any downloaded package. Each package is fully expanded into a subfolder that matches the package identifier and version number. Projects using the PackageReference format always use packages directly from this folder.

Are NuGet packages licensed?

Fortunately, many NuGet packages use the exact same license agreement. This means that, if you can get approval for one type of license (ex. "MIT License Agreement"), then all other packages with that license would be acceptable.

Where can I find NuGet package source?

To manage your package sources, select the Settings icon or select Tools > Options. In the Options window, expand the NuGet Package Manager node and select Package Sources.

1 Answers

According to Nate McMaster's list of .NET global tools, there's a tool called dotnet-project-licenses. I've never used it, but you could try it out.

However, if you want to do things yourself, it's not terribly difficult, but will require some code.

First use dotnet list package --include-transitive to list all the packages used by a project, and parse its output. The NuGet team has a request to make the output easier to parse, but honestly I think you only need 2 regexes to easily parse its current output, only 1 if you don't care about TFMs. If your project targets multiple TFMs, you'll want to deduplicate the lists.

Once you have the list of package ids and version numbers (versions are important, as a package could change licenses between versions), you can find the location of your global packages folder (gpf) dotnet nuget locals -l global-packages, then use the {gpf}\{lowercase package id}\{lowercase package version}\{lowercase package id}.{lowercase package version}.nuspec pattern to load the nuspec as XML and find the licence.

Keep in mind that recently NuGet deprecated LicenseUrl and encourage package authors to use license expressions, or embed their licence file in the nupkg. I imagine that embedded licenses pose the largest challenge to any license tool, because unless you want to parse the license text and guess which license it's most likely to be, you'll need to do something else. If all of your packages come from nuget.org, you can have your tool generate urls to nuget.org/packages/{package id}/{package version}/license. But if you use multiple sources, you have no way of knowing which source a package came from, and other feeds might not have an easy way to see the license text for embedded licenses. To do things "properly" you'll need to search your package sources to see if that specific package id and version exist. NuGet's V3 protocol is documented, but the v2 protocol is intentionally not documented, and some 3rd party nuget servers only implement the v2 protocol. You could also look into using the nuget client libraries.

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zivkan Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 03:09
