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Swift enum and NSCoding

swift enums nscoding

Encoding c-struct with Mantle (NSCoding)

Encoding an NSMutableArray

Converting CLLocationCoordinate2D to a String that can be stored

How to find all keys used in NSKeyedArchiver/NSKeyedUnarchiver

What is the relationship between NSCoding and NSData?

How to call the validateValue method

swift nscoding

NSCoding and saving/loading default values issue

Changing from NSUserDefaults to NSCoding

Sharing an array of custom objects with Today Extension (widget) with NSUserDefaults

Swift 3 Xcode 8 - SwiftValue encodeWithCoder - unrecognized selector sent to instance

swift3 xcode8 nscoding

Storing json data on the iPhone: save the json string as it is VS make an object from json and use NSCoding + NSKeyedArchiver

Can NSCoding and Codable co-exist?

swift swift4 nscoding codable

Cocoa Interface Builder object initialization

objective-c cocoa nib nscoding

Serializing a multidimensional array containing references to NSManagedObjects in Core Data

Write custom object to .plist in Cocoa

NSCoding of NSMutableDictionaries containing custom objects

NSCoding VS Core data