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New posts in data-management

Merge producing unexpected results in R

r data-management

join/merge two columns inside a data-frame

r join merge data-management

remove cases, all id's, for cases where NO changes have occured between time 1 and time 2

r data-management

Select first 80 observations for each level in R

r data-management

R: create a data frame out of a rolling window

Split a data frame into overlapping dataframes

Create a variable capturing the most frequent occurence by group

Android App Updating Without Losing Data

Simple Database Implementation for Educational Purpose [closed]

Mobile application data management

reshaping k columns to 2 columns representing sequential pairs of the values of the k variables

r reshape data-management

Count data divided by year and by region in R

Realm migrations in Swift

How to create, structure, maintain and update data codebooks in R?

r metadata data-management

NSCoding VS Core data

How to read a file backwards to find substring efficiently

c++ file c++11 data-management

Quickly remove zero variance variables from a data.frame

r data-management

Read a CSV from github into R