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NSCoding of NSMutableDictionaries containing custom objects

I was trying to serialize a SearchEntity object(custom object) containing an NSMutableDictionary containing a set of type CategoryEntity(custom object).

1 SearchEntity<NSCoding> containing: 1 NSMutableDictionary (parameters) parameters containing X CategoryEntities<NSCoding> containing just strings and numbers.

At this line [encoder encodeObject:parameters forKey:kPreviousSearchEntityKey]; in the SearchEntity encodeWithCoder" I get GDB:Interrupted every time, no error message, exception etc. just GDB:Interrupted.

This is the implementation in SearchEntity and parameters is the NSMutableDictionary

#pragma mark -
#pragma mark NSCoding delegate methods

- (void) encodeWithCoder:(NSCoder*)encoder 
    //encode all the values so they can be persisted in NSUserdefaults
    if (parameters) 
        [encoder encodeObject:parameters forKey:kPreviousSearchEntityKey]; //GDB:Interrupted!

- (id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder*)decoder 
    if (self = [super init]) 
        //decode all values to return an object from NSUserdefaults in the same state as when saved     
        [self setParameters:[decoder decodeObjectForKey:kPreviousSearchEntityKey]];
    return self;

The CategoryEntity also implements the NSCoding protocol and looks like this:

- (void) encodeWithCoder:(NSCoder*)encoder 
    //encode all the values so they can be persisted in NSUserdefaults
    [encoder encodeObject:ID forKey:kIDKey];
    [encoder encodeObject:text forKey:kTextKey];
    [encoder encodeObject:category forKey:kCategoryKey];
    [encoder encodeObject:categoryIdentifierKey forKey:kCategoryIdentifierKey];

- (id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder*)decoder 
    if (self = [super init]) {

        //decode all values to return an object from NSUserdefaults in the same state as when saved
        [self setID:[decoder decodeObjectForKey:kIDKey]];
        [self setText:[decoder decodeObjectForKey:kTextKey]];
        [self setCategory:[decoder decodeObjectForKey:kCategoryKey]];
        [self setCategoryIdentifierKey:[decoder decodeObjectForKey:kCategoryIdentifierKey]];
    return self;

I try to encode it from a wrapper for NSUserDefaults, like this:

+ (void) setPreviousSearchParameters:(SearchParameterEntity*) entity
    if (entity) 
        //first encode the entity (implements the NSCoding protocol) then save it
        NSData *encodedObject = [NSKeyedArchiver archivedDataWithRootObject:entity];
        [[self defaults] setObject:encodedObject forKey:kPreviousSearchKey];
        [[self defaults] synchronize];      

+ (SearchParameterEntity*) getPreviousSearchParameters
    //retrieve the encoded NSData object that was saved, decode and return it
    SearchParameterEntity *entity = nil;
    NSData *encodedObject = [[self defaults] objectForKey:kPreviousSearchKey];

    if (encodedObject)
        entity = [NSKeyedUnarchiver unarchiveObjectWithData:encodedObject];

    return entity;

I was thinking that when I ask to Serialize the SearchEntity, it would start to serialize the 'parameters' mutableDictionary object, NSCoder will call "encode" on the CategoryEntities contained in the dictionary and they will all respond with their correct encoded objects.

However I just get GDB:Interrupted in the bottom of the console.

How can I debug this?

And is my approach wrong, should I wrap all levels of encoding in NSData?

Ps. I do the exact same thing with a ResultEntity containing NSArrays of CategoryEntities, it encodes with no problems, so I guess the NSMutableDictionary is the only thing sticking out.

like image 451
RickiG Avatar asked Dec 03 '10 09:12


1 Answers

The code you have posted does not appear to be incorrect. I've made a best guess at some details you've left out and I get a successful result from a test program containing your code with enough boilerplate to show that it encodes/decodes correctly.

(You can compile it from the command line using: gcc -framework foundation test.m -o test and run with: ./test.)

With regard to your question, how can I debug this, I would suggest an approach as follows:

  • (Temporarily) modify your code to be as simple as possible. For example, you could change the parameters property to a plain NSString and verify that works correctly first.
  • Slowly add in complexity, introducing one new property at a time, until the error starts occurring again. Eventually you will narrow down where the troublesome data is coming from.

Alas, if this is occurring due to some mis-managed memory elsewhere in your app, debugging this code itself may not get you anywhere. Try (manually) verifying that memory is managed correctly for each piece of data you are receiving for encoding.

If you are already using Core Data you could consider persisting just the object ID in the user defaults and restore your object graph based on that. (See: Archiving NSManagedObject with NSCoding).

like image 171
penfold Avatar answered Nov 04 '22 07:11
