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How to compile a Delphi projectgroup using MSBuild called from an Embarcadero Makefile

delphi msbuild makefile

xbuild and F# (vs2010) project

How to handle errors while using target batching in msbuild?


How to modify the csdef defined in a cspkg

powershell msbuild azure

Increment the build number automatically

Visual Studio PublishProfile to delete files?

iis msbuild webdeploy

Build Error + Creating VSTO addin for excel 2010

Cordova platform add wp7 fails - msbuild error

Build visual studio solution from code

VS2013 C++ : slow linking process

v12.0 folder not found in MSBuild

Jenkins .Net and Docker?

.net jenkins msbuild docker

Processor architecture mismatch between projects when building C# MVC 5 site

c# visual-studio msbuild

(Wix) heat.exe could not be loaded with msbuild

No module named 'dlib'

XmlMassUpdate - How to delete a node

Place all output dlls in common directory from Visual Studio

MSBuild tasks can accept primitive arrays, but how do you write one to pass into the task?


Good MSbuild log formatter?

MSBuild referencing DLL's in Task