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New posts in msbuild-4.0

TeamCity MSBuild 4.0 Help

teamcity msbuild-4.0

The type or namespace could not be found

v12.0 folder not found in MSBuild

MSBuild referencing DLL's in Task

How to measure the build execution time?

"OutputPath property is not set" error occurs only when calling MSBuild in CCNET

error MSB4064: The "OverwriteReadOnlyFiles" parameter is not supported by the "Copy" task

How can I expose MSBuild 'Conditions' in VS2010 (for vc++)

MsBuild: Changing References from ProjectReference to Reference

msbuild msbuild-4.0

The target "_WPPCopyWebApplication" does not exist in the project

How can I ignore optional parameter error on MSBuild 3.5

asp.net msbuild-4.0

how to publish my WCF Service Library using MSBuild Command Line in VS 2012?

wcf msbuild-4.0

MSBUILD web deploy package does not include the project reference DLL's

MS Build Extension Pack with nuget fails to get MSBuild.ExtensionPack.tasks

Cruise Control .Net exception writing msbuild-results.xml

How to specify MSBuild version in nant script?

msbuild nant msbuild-4.0

Include referenced project's .config file

Where can I find Microsoft.Build.Utilities.v3.5