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New posts in monads

Why is there no IO monad transformer in Haskell [duplicate]

using monads to do failable transformations in bulk?

Sharing information computed by monad actions

Scoping for temporary type variables

haskell monads

How to make nested flatMap and map more comprehensible

How to use a Monad Transformer when Disjunction is the outermost container?

Logging in functional programming with Java

Concurrent data access as in Haxl and Stitch

K / Kestrel Combinator for monads?

Why is a monad prototype required for Douglas Crockford's monad demo code?

javascript prototype monads

Why does this console log twice?

Implementing Event Streams in Haskell using MVars

Why can't there be an instance of MonadFix for the continuation monad?

Comonad example in Scala

scala monads scalaz comonad

Why isn't Kleisli an instance of Monoid?

haskell monads monoids kleisli

Folding, function composition, monads, and laziness, oh my?

Are free monads also zippily applicative?

Why is ListT monad transformer considered buggy - what monad laws it breaks?

Haskell: What monad did I just reinvent?

How can the continuation monad be expressed using the free monad?