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New posts in monads

How exactly does the `(<*>) = ap` Applicative/Monad law relate the two classes?

haskell monads applicative

Is there a more readable way of rewriting this pure function to use the Writer Monad?

haskell monads

Random list where each element differs by at most 1 from the previous element

Understanding the state argument in the State Monad

haskell monads state-monad

Are monads Writer m and Either e categorically dual?

Implementing the Haskell-MaybeMonad in F# - how can we get this lazy?

How can monads make my job easier? Show me some cool piece of code

haskell monads

State monad - adapt functions that only work with parts of the state?

Is this a candidate for computational expressions?

c# f# monads

What Haskell package has a unit functor/monad?

haskell monads functor

Monadic comprehension syntax in C#

Haskell - is state monad a sign of imperative thinking?

Haskell IORef array usage

How do I automate chains of map lookups in F#?

types map f# monads

Using returned EitherT in haskell program

In what sense is IO monad special (if at all)?

State monads: Transitioning from one state type to another

How to implement a generic lift function for monads?

Haskell tuple monad is too strict?

Why does a "let" statement force an "applicative do" block into requiring a monad constraint?