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New posts in monads

Use a function a → b as "monadic" function a → m b

Lift higher order function into monad

Why can I call a monadic function without supplying a monad?

haskell monads state-monad

Continuation monad for a yield/await function in Haskell

haskell monads continuation

Name and existence of functor or monad to chain and terminate sequence of operations

Can I rewrite this unionWith-like function with Applicative instead Monad?

Understanding types in the streaming libarary

haskell streaming monads

flatMap ignoring the result

scala monads scala-cats

When should one use applicatives over monads?

Haskell instance of `bind` for a custom type

haskell monads state-monad

Operational monad with interpreter in arbitrary monad

haskell monads

Binding monads into composites (Haskell)

haskell bind monads composite

Scala: Bad inferred type for Option composed with StateT monad transformer

How to handle Option of List in Scala?

How does Haskell infer correct type classes in MaybeT implementation?

Why am I getting a type error in this sequence of parsers (lecture 8 by Erik Meijer)?

parsing haskell types monads

Is there any scala library that treat tuples as monads

scala tuples monads

Is it correct to use the Reader monad in this turn-based game?

haskell monads

Precomposing monad transformers

Using a Monadic eDSL from the REPL