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New posts in monads

Is there a version of the 'andand' monad for Objective-C?

objective-c monads

Group values by a key with any Monoid

scala monads scalaz monoids

Lift error value to ErrorT monad transformer

Using monadic functions with Data.Map (fx unionWith)

haskell dictionary monads

Cannot find function similar to liftM2

haskell monads

Combining the state monad with the costate comonad

Future with State monad

Implementing recurrence relations on State monads (in Haskell or Scala)

Why Free is not monad instance in Scalaz 7.1.5?

scala monads scalaz

Is there a way to convince Rust that a particular associated type is the same as a concrete type?

rust metaprogramming monads

Haskell operator or function for applying function from monad to a value?

haskell monads

Is there a a predefined way to skip calculations that result in Nothing?

haskell monads maybe

Is what I wrote an actual monad?

Is there any significant difference between StateT over Reader and ReaderT over State?

Why is `filterM + mapM_` so much slower than `mapM_ + when`, with large lists?

Is there some usage of monads at .net environment?

c# .net monads

Why changing the Data.Binary.Put monad into a transformer creates a memory leak?

Conjuring JQuery Deferred with monadic incantations

Monad instance of a number-parameterised vector?

haskell types monads

Making normal monadic functions work with the monad transformer equivalent