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New posts in monads

Values inside monads, nested in data structures?

How do I actually execute a StateT monad along with IO?

Does Scalaz have something to accumulate in both error and success?

Stateful loop with different types of breaks

Retain Laziness With mapM

haskell monads

Why is this not a case of the restricted monad limitation?

haskell monads ghc

Here is the C# Monad, where is the problem?

c# generics interface monads

Multi-input monadic functions with currying in Haskell

haskell monads currying

Why would I want to use the upcoming let! ... and! syntax?

f# monads applicative

Haskell monads and a fail that doesn't require a string

Can I eliminate the use of UndecidableInstances in this Show instance for a Free Monad?

haskell monads

Scalaz Bind[Seq] typeclass

scala monads typeclass scalaz

`mfix` not working as expected

haskell monads

Why this Either-monad code does not type check?

haskell monads either

Why isn't (->) implemented with Control.Monad.Instances by default

haskell monads functor

Abstracting monad composition as a transformer

Why doesn't Some(List(1,2,3)).flatten compile?

scala monads scala-2.10

IO Monad in Dynamically-typed Languages

ApplicativeDo in Haskell

haskell monads applicative

Recursive liftIO