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Maven keeps messing up my java compiler and build path settings

java eclipse maven m2e

aspectj-maven-plugin not executed?

maven aspectj

how to list all maven profiles defined in project including all sub modules?

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Weird NoClassDef-s with Eclipse Jetty's Maven plugin

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Maven compile replies 'No sources to compile' for scala project

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Maven: Why does adding test source via build helper not work when generating eclipse project?

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How to auto update versions in application.xml after maven release

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Deploy from Maven to Nexus got error: ReasonPhrase:Forbidden

maven nexus

Gradle Build Error

maven gradle

Can surefire and failsafe plugin deliberately randomize execution order of test classes?

Using variables in pom.xml

maven variables pom.xml

Maven Wildfly remote deploy

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Maven: Rename the application EAR

java maven war ear

Maven: what is the difference between install and install:install?

maven lifecycle

How can I tell maven to use specific settings.xml on project bases?


Eclipse AutoValue class fails to build

Maven build: Tomcat server doesn't start

java eclipse maven tomcat

How to add Websphere Application Server Liberty Profile runtime dependencies to Maven POM?

Maven-resources-plugin won't copy .metadata folder

Intellij maven options - What are differences between them