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Using variables in pom.xml

I want to use a variable which has different values in the properties file depending on the environment. I want to use that variable in my pom.xml.

like image 828
user3293916 Avatar asked Feb 14 '23 18:02


1 Answers

You are looking for Maven Resource Filtering

There are 3 steps to follow when using resource filtering:

Step 1:

Add a set of appropriate <profile> entries in your pom and include the variables you need in a list of <properties>:


Notice that the Prod profile has been tagged: <activeByDefault>.

Step 2:

Within the properties file, use pom-style variable demarcation to add variable value placeholders, matching the <property> tag names used in the pom:


Step 3:

Within the pom's <build> section, add a <resources> entry (assuming that your properties are in the src/main/resources directory), include a <filtering> tag, and set the value to: true:


Then, when you run your Maven build, the demarcated property values will be replaced with the values that are defined in the pom <profile> entries.

like image 110
Sean Mickey Avatar answered Feb 16 '23 08:02

Sean Mickey