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New posts in maven-shade-plugin

Using maven-bundle-plugin with the maven-shade-plugin

How do I bundle a JRE in my JAR, so that it can run on systems without Java?

Superfluous warnings when using maven-shade-plugin

How can I configure the maven shade plugin to include test code in my jar?

Netbeans: project's main artifact is processed through maven-shade-plugin

Geotools cannot find HSQL EPSG DB, throws error: NoSuchAuthorityCodeException

Maven Shade Plugin to produce two Jars

Spring Circular placeholder reference while running an executable jar

How to set manifest class-path in maven shade plugin?

How to configure Maven shade plugin in a multi-module project?

Maven can't compile java 1.8

How can I tell which signed jar is causing maven-shade-plugin to fail?

Is there a maven archtype for creating a console app?

Maven shade plugin warning: we have a duplicate - how to fix?

maven maven-shade-plugin

Maven build [WARNING] we have a duplicate class

Log4j2 configuration not found when running standalone application built by shade plugin

How can I remove module-info.class warning for a shaded .jar?

How to create spring-based executable jar with maven?

How to include test classes in Jar created by maven-shade-plugin?

Invalid or corrupt JAR File built by Maven shade plugin