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New posts in jar-signing

Groovy - How to Build a Jar

groovy jar jar-signing

Sign java applet without security pop-up

Signing jar with timestamp and authentication at the timestamp server

java jarsigner jar-signing

Jar signing in Netbeans IDE 7.3 produces "The signer's certificate chain is not validated"

Java Applet - "Block potentially unsafe components from being run?" message [duplicate]

java code for checking if jar file are signed or not

java jar jar-signing

Sign a jar file created with maven-assembly plugin

java maven jar-signing

signed modular JAR with crypto provider cannot be linked into run-time image

Signing a jnlp in order to get rid of the Security Warning

XMLBeans jar can't be signed when imported from custom class

automated "secure" code signing

code-signing jar-signing

How to renew a jar signature?

jar-signing jarsigner

"Package not signed correctly" appearing for some users

How to sign a jar to never expire?

Verifying Jar Signature

java jar-signing

New <updateManifestEntries> entries of webstart-maven-plugin breaks the application

Sign a JAR automatically when building from Netbeans

Some (but not all) users receive "Package file was not signed correctly" when downloading my app from Google Play

Code signing certificates for Java, Adobe AIR, Authenticode, VBS - are they different?

Trying to refresh 'expired' keystore

java ant keytool jar-signing