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New posts in maven-shade-plugin

Making the module jdk.incubator.httpclient visible at runtime

Apache spark Hive, executable JAR with maven shade

Maven shaded jar used as external project dependency

Exclude META-INF/maven folder from the generated jar file

Shade (relocate) one version of a transitive dependency, but not the other

Why does Maven shade plugin remove module-info.class?

Disable additional jars for the maven-shade-plugin

maven maven-shade-plugin

Spring Boot With Maven Shade Plugin - Controllers not mapped (404 Error)

maven-shade-plugin: exclude a dependency and all its transitive dependencies

Shaded/Repackaged jar as a dependency

Maven - Is there a way to easily create an 'uber' jar with all the dependencies relocated?

Maven shade jar throw exception

Using Maven shade plugin in a multi module project - NullPointerException

How can I exclude *.DSA and *.SF files from shaded jar?

maven-shade like plugin for SBT

Why does relocation with the maven shade plugin not work?

Maven shade plugin does not exclude the manifest signature files

Error creating shaded jar: null: IllegalArgumentException

Building a standalone executeable JAR with OpenEJB