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New posts in maven-shade-plugin

Maven dynamically exclude class with same name from different dependencies

maven maven-shade-plugin

How to skip the maven antrun copy/shade:shade goal dynamically?

Problems with using log4j in the shaded jar

determine repository URL for maven deploy-file

Change log level for particular maven plugin

maven maven-shade-plugin

Create tests jar with all the Karate dependencies [duplicate]

What should I do about dependency conflicts when using the maven-shade-plugin?

maven-shade-plugin : how to turn off compression?

JAR HELL in IDE (intelliJ), mvn-test and mvn-package: how to unify dependency relocation in all settings?

Maven shade plugin can not find 'mainClass' exception?

How to reference to a shaded jar in maven

maven maven-shade-plugin

IntelliJ mvn package is behaving differently that command line

Does maven-shade-plugin work with scala classes?

Resolving transitive dependency conflicts in Java

Filter resources maven-shade-plugin

maven maven-shade-plugin

maven-shade-plugin doesn't replace the original jar