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New posts in maven-shade-plugin

How to deduplicate beanutils dependencies with commons-beanutils?

Including a non-Mavenized dependency so it works with maven-shade-plugin

maven shade plugin custom transformer

How to exclude test dependencies from a shaded maven jar?

maven shaded jar: change output location

How to stop maven-shade-plugin from blocking java.util.ServiceLoader initialization of opensaml-impl types

Unable to shade jar with maven (INVOKESPECIAL/STATIC)

How to use maven shade to build jar and war

maven maven-shade-plugin

Can we add maven plugin without attach its goal to a particular phase?

How can I specify a custom MANIFEST.MF file while using the Maven Shade plugin?

Use maven-flatten-plugin and maven-shade-plugin at the same time

maven maven-shade-plugin

Maven shade plugin remove "original"

m2e shade eclipse "project main artifact does not exist"

Shading a dependency in Maven

maven maven-shade-plugin

maven-shade-plugin reports: Error creating shaded jar: ...target/classes (Is a directory)

Maven shade plugin failed to execute goal?

no main manifest attribute, in jar

Spring 3 NamespaceHandler issues with Maven Shade plugin

maven-shade-plugin - Cannot find 'resource' in class org.apache.maven.plugins.shade.resource.ManifestResourceTransformer