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New posts in sbt-assembly

sbt assembly with integration test

scala sbt sbt-assembly spec2

Resolving Dependencies in creating JAR through SBT assembly

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Hadoop depends on two different versions of beanutils

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Creating an Akka fat Jar

SBT: How to publish both the aggregate project and all modules on Sonatype?

scala sbt sbt-assembly

Proper way to make a Spark Fat Jar using SBT

Should sbt-assembly perform a "maven-shade-plugin"-like relocation of classes?

sbt sbt-assembly

sbt assembly error:deduplicate: different file contents found in io.netty.versions.properties

scala sbt sbt-assembly

Scala + SBT - How to configure reference.conf for a shaded Akka library

Is it possible to use json4s 3.2.11 with Spark 1.3.0?

Parboiled2 causes "missing or invalid dependency detected while loading class file 'Prepender.class'"

SBT - Multi project merge strategy and build sbt structure when using assembly

scala sbt sbt-assembly

sbt-assembly: How do I include the static files in src/main/webapp

scala sbt sbt-assembly

How do you comment a line in .sbt file

scala sbt sbt-assembly