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New posts in maven-3

How do I enable Ebean Enhancement in Maven?

maven archetype property substitution

maven-3 maven-archetype

jaxb2 goal is not invoked

How to configure settings.xml to pull from Artifactory private virtual repository?

maven appassembler plugin does not include the current artifact, if called iterative

Start hsqldb server through maven exec plugin failed

hsqldb maven-3

maven-eclipse-plugin: how to force to use a jar dependency rather than project dependency

java eclipse build maven-3

PermGen space with jetty

java maven jetty maven-3

how to generate jar and war both in project

ClassNotFoundException in apk build with maven

How to get Maven 3.0.4 to use Java7?

how to configure maven to add junit 4.10 instead of 3.8 dependency in new project

flattened pom is not being used?

java maven-2 maven-3 pom.xml

Maven dependency plugin copy jar with dependencies

Tomcat-maven-plugin 401 error

Using Maven-3 Got Http 409 error when re-deploy with archiva

http maven-3 archiva

Can you define both an exec and java goal for maven exec plugin?

Unable to resolve ${project.version} in child pom.xml from parent pom.xml

maven maven-2 maven-3 pom.xml

How can I change a app-engine username/credentials in Maven?

Maven package phase equivalent in Gradle

java gradle maven-3 gradlew