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Start hsqldb server through maven exec plugin failed




I try to start an hsqldb server for developpement use. I had hsqldb dependency :


I had in build exec-maven-build :

            <argument>--database.0 file:target/monitoring</argument>

And I launch mvn exec:java, server starts and i have this error :

[Server@6e9770a3]: [Thread[org.hsqldb.server.Server.main(),5,org.hsqldb.server.Server]]: Failed to set properties
org.hsqldb.HsqlException: no valid database paths: maformed database enumerator: server.database.0 mem:monitoring

I search through the code, what this error means, and i found in hsqldb code the error on this page => http://hsqldb.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/hsqldb/base/tags/2.2.5/src/org/hsqldb/server/Server.java?revision=4369&view=markup

private IntKeyHashMap getDBNameArray() {

    final String  prefix       = ServerProperties.sc_key_dbname + ".";
    final int     prefixLen    = prefix.length();
    IntKeyHashMap idToAliasMap = new IntKeyHashMap();
    Enumeration   en           = serverProperties.propertyNames();

    for (; en.hasMoreElements(); ) {
        String key = (String) en.nextElement();

        if (!key.startsWith(prefix)) {

        int dbNumber;

        try {
            dbNumber = Integer.parseInt(key.substring(prefixLen));
        } catch (NumberFormatException e1) {
            **printWithThread("maformed database enumerator: " + key);**


        String alias = serverProperties.getProperty(key).toLowerCase();

        if (!aliasSet.add(alias)) {
            printWithThread("duplicate alias: " + alias);

        Object existing = idToAliasMap.put(dbNumber, alias);

        if (existing != null) {
            printWithThread("duplicate database enumerator: " + key);

    return idToAliasMap;

So hsqldb use as a key all argument : "no valid database paths: maformed database enumerator: server.database.0 mem:monitoring"

So it looks like a bug, or did I make something wrong ?

OK i found the solution, I changed the way i give arguments to exec maven plugin.

from this :

            <argument>--database.0 file:target/monitoring</argument>

to this :


And it works

like image 555
Antoine Avatar asked Oct 14 '11 12:10


2 Answers

I changed the way i pass arguments to exec maven plugin

from this :

            <argument>--database.0 file:target/monitoring</argument>

to this :


And it works

like image 147
Antoine Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 19:10


I found out that in case you need to start HSQL in server mode from maven and continue running your integration tests you have to use maven-antrun-plugin and ant Java task as exec-maven-plugin doesn't support forked mode:

                <property name="test_classpath" refid="maven.test.classpath" />
                <java classname="org.hsqldb.server.Server"
                  fork="yes" spawn="yes">
                    line="--database.0 mem:test --dbname.0 test" />
                    <pathelement path="${test_classpath}" />

it assumes your hsqldb dependency is of test scope.

like image 25
user2664404 Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 17:10
