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New posts in maven-3

How to set up maven 3 local plugin repository

How can I find out the default phase a Maven goal binds to?

maven-3 maven-plugin

maven log file configuration

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How to identify slow unit tests when using maven-surefire-plugin in parallel mode?

Setting up Maven to allow deployment to different repositories easily

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Valid JAR signature for JavaFX projects

How to login into SonarQube in my local box [closed]

Failed to read artifact descriptor for org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-source-plugin:jar:2.4


Append the value of argLine param in maven-surefire-plugin

Dependency convergence error

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Simpliest way to add an attribute to a jar Manifest in Maven

maven jar maven-3

Maven proxy settings not working

maven proxy maven-3

Unable to deploy artifact using encrypted password with LDAP enabled

maven maven-3 artifactory

Maven: Debug mode only for one plugin

maven maven-3 maven-plugin

Maven: Attaching multiple artifacts

java build maven-3

How do I know which Eclipse M2E connectors I have installed?

Avoiding maven repository version collision when using feature branches

Issues with executing sonarQube on project Caused by: java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: org/sonarsource/scanner/maven /SonarQubeMojo

What is use of enabled(snapshot, releases) tag in maven pom's repository element?

maven maven-3 pom.xml