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New posts in maven-3

Jetty Maven Plugin is ignoring custom webdefault.xml

Build multiple artifacts with different classifiers at once

maven maven-3

Could not find artifact in maven central repo when search returns a match


How to get JUnit5 with JDK10 (jigsaw) and Maven3 to work?

Why maven doesn't generate project reports?

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how to make jetty server accessible from LAN?

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Maven unpack tar.gz artifact of latest version

maven maven-3

Set default java compliance level for Maven projects in Eclipse

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How does maven compile only the modified java files?

Why is maven looking for artifact in the wrong repo?

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Maven plugin to restrict specific packages from being used

Import Maven Project to Eclipse and Fix the errors

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Change package property in Maven Archetype

Impose build order for a multi-project in Maven

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Activating Spring Profile active JVM arguments in GWT hosted mode

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Maven: how to specify which assembly plugin execution runs

Github-actions: cache repo to speed up maven builds

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Maven 3: Maven in 5 minutes "mvn archetype:generate..." command NOT WORKING

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Is there a way to access and view html report in Travis CI for maven tests?

Jenkins not showing maven compiler errors

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