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New posts in maven-3

Maven builds on file changes

Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration error in Eclipse Juno

maven maven-3

Efficient OSGi development workflow

Maven Release Perform Commit Additional Files

What's the purpose of the Maven 3 ciManagement configuration?


Generating project in Interactive mode Taking lot of time

Maven profile properties are not "overriding"

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Exclude servlet-api from test scope Maven


How to use Maven 3 mixins?

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Output valid xml when executing mvn help:effective-pom

xml maven maven-3

Is effective-pom a merge between super pom and application POM

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What does the "default-test" stand for in the maven-surefire plugin

Maven changes the order of plugins of different profiles

Find classpath maven is using for running testng testcase

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Sonar Maven Plugin: How do I exclude test source directories?

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how to use class file from another war

Send Maven output to console and log file using pom

What is the difference between using maven -pl option and running maven from module level?

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.AssertionError

Installing maven on windows 7 64bit

java maven-3 tapestry