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New posts in maven-profiles

Using Maven profiles to switch between minified/uncompressed JS?

Run a goal of a plugin inside a profile

How to detect what maven profiles are activated?

Easy way to share profile configuration among profiles in Maven?

Why is Maven not using the expected profile?

Can not append system properties from profile config

maven variable property filtering

maven maven-profiles

Only one Maven profile executed when using activeByDefault

How insert Maven profile properties in Spring context

Change maven dependency's version by using different maven profiles

Maven and Profiles: Using the same plugin in two different profiles and have both active at the same time

maven maven-profiles

Choose maven profile from OS family

Activate Maven profile if no other profile activated

maven-2 maven-profiles

How to activate maven profile use environment variables?

maven maven-profiles

How to enable maven profile when built version is not -SNAPSHOT?

Maven: How to print the current profile on the console?

Maven: property to activate profile in sub-modules

maven maven-profiles

Maven profile removing dependency

maven maven-profiles

WARNING The requested profile "pom.xml" could not be activated because it does not exist