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Missing Maven Plugin Jetty

maven-plugin maven-3

Maven lifecycle within jenkins pipeline - how to best separate responsibilities?

Non-resolvable parent POM: When building Maven 3 Project Site

maven-3 maven-site-plugin

Maven surefire: append to argLine

How to make jenkins trigger a build on a dependent projects when a dependency is build

Is it possible to use proxy only when a specific profile is active in Maven?

Do not run a category of slow JUnit tests by default in Maven and every IDE (Eclipse, IntelliJ, ...) without an explicit TestSuite

How to handle Maven WAR overlays in Eclipse?

How to use or abuse artifact classifiers in maven?

Maven: How to create assembly with snapshot artifacts without timestamps file name?

Unable to install a local maven artefact to remote repository, google-android-maps

maven maven-3

Limiting a transitive dependency to runtime scope in Maven

maven maven-3

Renaming Maven dependency in WAR's WEB-INF/lib folder

java maven-2 maven-3

Why does not archetype:generate with parameters work for me?

Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration: com.jayway.maven.plugins.android.generation2:android-maven-plugin:3.5.0:generate-sources

convert maven pom to gradle build

maven gradle converter maven-3

Where is mvn.exe when using embedded maven 3 in eclipse indigo?

How does Maven resolve plugin versions?

maven maven-3 maven-plugin

Multiple install:install-file in a single pom.xml

java maven maven-3

Blacklist Maven dependencies

java maven maven-3