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Which software sites should I have in Eclipse Indigo?

Open website from within eclipse's internal browser?

installing additional eclipse indigo files

How to install Hibernate in eclipse

Installing new software to Eclipse

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Getting 'An internal error occurred during: "Compacting resource model".' when building a project in eclipse indigo

eclipse eclipse-indigo

Can i increase the number of visible open file tabs in Eclipse

eclipse eclipse-indigo

Controlling where references to GUI objects created by Eclipse Window Builder are placed

Applet Web service client, with Eclipse Indigo using Apache CXF,

Annotation declared managed beans and code completion in Eclipse Inidigo [duplicate]

Eclipse build project "setting classpath containers" taking lot of time

eclipse eclipse-indigo

Eclipse Indigo completely reset itself -- projects and settings gone

eclipse eclipse-indigo

Eclipse Indigo marketplace

Where can I set the Eclipse C++ Function Name Style?

How can I use Java 7 with Eclipse Indigo 3.7.1

Problems configuring JSF 2.0 on Eclipse Indigo

Svnkit with Subclipse under Eclipse Indigo

Maven/Tomcat Projects In Eclipse Indigo/3.7