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New posts in marshalling

Why is it called Marshal.AllocHGlobal if it allocates on the local heap?

How do I marshal a pointer to a pointer to an int?

c# c++ marshalling

How To Marshal Int Arrays Or Pointers To Int Arrays

c# c arrays marshalling

How can I pass Selenium WebDriver objects between seperate Ruby processes?

How to bind Xamarin iOS Obj-C library with marshalling

How to add an XML attribute to an element in Go?

xml go struct marshalling

Read and merge two Yaml files in go language

MarshalAs attribute case study

Marshalling "as string" parameter from C#

c# string marshalling

JAXB marshalling to XML - Is there a way to handle it when Schema validation fails?

java xml xsd jaxb marshalling

error in marshalling - missing xmlrootelement annotation error

Golang map containing both string and integer

json go types marshalling

Dynamically parse yaml field to one of a finite set of structs in Go

Cross-Thread Exception - Environment Only

Marshalling int* to C#

c# c++ marshalling

Perversion with unsafe C#, memory stack allocation

C# Excel interop - how to test if interop object is still working and performing a task?

c# excel interop marshalling

Ruby writing and reading object to file

How does Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate work on instance members?

c# .net clr marshalling unsafe

Getting "incorrectly aligned or overlapped by non-object" error on explicit struct

c# .net marshalling