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New posts in marshalling

Overhead - Calling C++ function from C#

c# c++ pinvoke marshalling

Unmarshal to a interface type

go marshalling rpc json-rpc

How to show empty object instead of empty struct or nil in Go json marshal

json go marshalling

Argument Exception thrown by PtrToStructure

c# .net marshalling hid

Marshalling array of strings to char ** in C#

Why check for root element is required in Jaxb2Marshaller?

java spring xsd jaxb marshalling

marshal an unsigned char * returning function from a dll, in C#

c# pinvoke return marshalling

Can marshalling a map[string]string to json return an error?

json dictionary go marshalling

Platform Invoke, bool, and string

c# c++ c interop marshalling

Marshal va_list in C# delegate

c# c++ pinvoke marshalling

How to programmatically remove "singleton information" on an instance to make it marshal?

How can I modify the JAXB marshalling output stream to include arbitrary inline XML?

java xml jaxb marshalling

Can JAXB marshal by containment at first then marshal by @XmlIDREF for subsequent references?

Unmarshaling XML in Go with Conflicting Element Names

How do I omit a struct field *only* when marshalling, but keep it when unmarshalling?

Binary serialization/de-serialization in C++ and C#

In MSDN, What does TBD stand for?

marshal_as, strings and fields vs. properties

How to get IntPtr to a boolean value

c# pinvoke marshalling

Why can I not use Marshal.Copy() to update a struct?

c# .net marshalling managed