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Unmarshaling XML in Go with Conflicting Element Names

I have the following XML, externally defined and outside of my organization's control:


I am using these structs:

type Foo struct {
    XMLName xml.Name `xml:"foo"`
    Bar1    Bar1
    Bar2    Bar2

type Bar1 struct {
    XMLName xml.Name `xml:"bar"`
    Zip     string   `xml:"zip"`

type Bar2 struct {
    XMLName xml.Name `xml:"bar"`
    Zap     string   `xml:"zap"`

Because of the conflicting 'bar' name, nothing gets unmarshaled. How can I populate the Bar1 and Bar2 structs?

This is what I have: https://play.golang.org/p/D2IRLojcTB

This is the result I want: https://play.golang.org/p/Ytrbzzy9Ok

In the second one, I have updated the second 'bar' to be 'bar1,' and it all works. I'd rather come up with a cleaner solution that modifying the incoming XML.

like image 697
user3268232 Avatar asked Mar 10 '15 00:03


1 Answers

The encoding/xml package won't be able to do exactly what you want, since it makes the decision over which field of Foo to decode into when it encounters the <bar> element, rather than when processing children of that element. Your struct definitions make this decision ambiguous, as the error from xml.Unmarshal indicates:

main.Foo field "Bar1" with tag "" conflicts with field "Bar2" with tag ""

Here are two alternatives that will work though:

1. Use one Bar struct to cover both branches

If you modify your types to read as:

type Foo struct {
    XMLName xml.Name `xml:"foo"`
    Bars    []Bar    `xml:"bar"`

type Bar struct {
    Zip string `xml:"zip"`
    Zap string `xml:"zap"`

You will now get a slice that represents all the <bar> elements. You can tell whether the element had a <zip> or <zap> element by checking whether the corresponding fields are non-empty.

You can try out this version here: https://play.golang.org/p/kguPCYmKX0

2. Use child selectors

If you are only interested in a single child element of <bar> in each branch, then you might not need a struct to represent that element at all. For example, you could decode into the following type:

type Foo struct {
    XMLName xml.Name `xml:"foo"`
    Zip     string   `xml:"bar>zip"`
    Zap     string   `xml:"bar>zap"`

Now the children of the <bar> elements will be decoded directly into members of the Foo struct. Note that with this option you won't be able to distinguish your chosen input from e.g.


If that will cause problems, then you should pick the first solution.

You can try out this version here: https://play.golang.org/p/fAE_HSrv4y

like image 53
James Henstridge Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 19:09

James Henstridge