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New posts in manifest.mf

Get JAR compilation time

How do I make the manifest available during a Maven/Surefire unittest run "mvn test"?

Should log4.properties be on the classpath?

How to generate MANIFEST.MF file during compile phase

Shorten classpath (-cp) for command line

Bundling native dll with jar [duplicate]

Eclipse-plugin-dev: How to get current bundle version?

What is Manifest-Version in MANIFEST.MF?

java jar manifest manifest.mf

Eclipse Plugin Settings - Activation and Singleton Settings

JAR Manifest file - Difference between Specification and Implementation

java jar manifest.mf

How can I tell which signed jar is causing maven-shade-plugin to fail?

How to read my META-INF/MANIFEST.MF file in a Spring Boot app?

manifest first OSGi build with gradle - migrating from ant to Gradle

java gradle osgi manifest.mf

reading MANIFEST.MF file from jar file using JAVA

java jar manifest.mf

include external jar when running java -jar

java jar classpath manifest.mf

file not found manifest.mf eclipse

eclipse maven manifest.mf

Use of the MANIFEST.MF file in Java

java manifest.mf

How to read MANIFEST.MF file from JAR using Bash

bash jar manifest.mf

Reading my own Jar's Manifest