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New posts in eclipse-pde

Is it possible to redirect to browser URL on splash image click?

Weaving AspectJ aspects included in an Eclipse 3.7 plugin project

Eclipse PDE: given a relative path like /ProjectName/lib/something.jar, how do you get a full filesystem path?

How do I use "org.eclipse.debug.ui.launchShortcuts"?

Easy way to add a context action to Eclipse

Using a ILightweightLabelDecorator decorator

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How to make read only editor in Eclipse (Eclipse Plugin Development)

How can two eclipse plugin use the same preferences store?

How do I get notified whenever a new editor is opened in Eclipse?

Enumerating all my Eclipse editors?

What is an OSGI version qualifier

Eclipe PDE: Jump to line X and highlight it

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How to add a pulldown button in a view's toolbar?

Developing on Eclipse 3.4, running on Eclipse 3.3

Eclipse v4.5 without delta-pack: How to perform a multiplatform headless PDE build?

Is the PDE's "Update Site Wizard" still the right way to create an update site?

eclipse eclipse-pde pde

How to refresh resource from Eclipse Plugin?

How do I install eclipse PDE on Indigo (3.7)