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New posts in logical-operators

Logical short-circuit inside a function handle

In Postgresql, after grouping, return false if any value of a column is false. If all values are true/false, then return true/false respectively

MongoDB equivalent of SQL expression '1=1' in Java

Why does a python "in" statement evaluate this way? [duplicate]

Is there a way to pass arithmetic and logical operator as a method parameter in VBA?

How to write attached code block in a for loop

java logical-operators

Name for the logical operator A & (~B)

How does Oracle perform OR condition validation?

XOR operation on three values

OR and AND operation in C

c logical-operators

Logical OR operator in a JavaScript case statement

Do condition expressions always evaluate to 0 or 1 in C?

C Relational Operator Output

Why does the AND (&&) operator return an array instead of a boolean?

What does (myVar && foo()) mean in JavaScript?

Javascript shorthand to call method if object exists

Why are 'and/or' operations in this Python statement behaving unexpectedly?

python logical-operators

What's the difference between "<>" and "!="? [duplicate]

Logic Evaluator in c# (Evaluate Logical (&& ,|| ) expressions)

Compound boolean expressions in Prolog