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New posts in aggregation-framework

How can I $add over a list of fields that may not exist

MongoDB - Aggregate Sum

MongoDB: how to compare $size of array to another document item?

MongoDB Aggregate Sum Each Key on a Subdocument

Remove Duplicates from MongoDB

Mongo Group and sum with two fields

How to get array from mongoDB collection?

mongo aggregation query with mgo driver

$concat on aggregate mongodb

Mongo aggregate query taking a long time

How to Write a Self Join Query

Spring Data MongoDB addToSet() with complex object

runCommand vs aggregate method to do aggregation

MongoDB lookup when foreign field is an array of objects

MongoDB: Check for array for object and if exists return true, otherwise false

mongotemplate aggregation with condition

MongoDB queries optimisation

Mongo aggregation within intervals of time

Sort Documents Without Existing Field to End of Results

Sum array elements in Mongodb aggregation