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New posts in aggregation-framework

MongoDB advanced aggregation

Project nested array field values by their indexes in aggregation

mongoDB is there any way for aggregate $gte to not show the false data

MongoDB Aggregate lookup in Go (mgo.v2)

Nodejs + Mongodb: find data after aggregation

Golang mongodb aggregation

Is it possible to sort, group and limit efficiently in Mongo with a pipeline?

how to convert ISODate to unix epoch in mongo aggregate

Default batch size in aggregate command in MongoDB

How to find the hours difference between two dates in mongodb

mongo aggregation framework with distinct count of key with mutliple group by

$sum with multiple conditions

Match at least "N" elements of an array to a list of conditions

how to convert timestamp to ISO date in mongodb aggregate

Mongo: Group, push and sort

Mongodb - mongoose, sort by summing two fields

count array occurrences across all documents with mongo

How to group by multiple columns and multiple values in mongodb

Finding most commonly used word in a string field throughout a collection

Project an element returned with "$arrayElemAt"