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Why does a python "in" statement evaluate this way? [duplicate]

Sorry, I couldn't think of a more descriptive title. This isn't super important, but rather a weird quirk in python 3.8 (at least) that I found, and I figured I can't be the only one who's noticed this, and there's probably a reasonable explanation:

>>> 'foo' in 'foobar' == True

It works the other way too:

>>> True == 'foo' in 'foobar'

However, logically I would think this should be True, as

>>> 'foo' in 'foobar'
>>> True == True

I'm assuming it's some kind of order of operations error, but when I try to group it I get

>>> ('foo' in 'foobar') == True
>>> 'foo' in ('foobar' == True)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: argument of type 'bool' is not iterable

I'm mostly just really curious at this point, if someone could explain this that'd be great!

like image 940
Keegan Conlee Avatar asked May 27 '20 02:05

Keegan Conlee

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1 Answers

Because of operator chaining the expression is equivalent to:

('foo' in 'foobar') and ('foobar' == True)

Since 'foobar' == True is False, the whole expression is False.

like image 189
Mark Ransom Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 16:11

Mark Ransom