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How does Oracle perform OR condition validation?

In Java, a logical OR condition behaves such that if the first condition is true then it does not evaluate the second condition.

For example:

int a = 10;
if (a == 10 || a == 0) {
    // Logic

Java does not evaluate the second test (a == 0) because the first condition (a == 10) is true.

If we have an Oracle SQL statement like this:

select * from student where city = :city and 
    (:age is null or age > :age)

How are (age > :age or :age is null) evaluated? If the parameter :age is NULL, then does it evaluate the second condition as well?

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Chamly Idunil Avatar asked Dec 14 '15 04:12

Chamly Idunil

People also ask

How or condition works in Oracle?

The Oracle OR condition is used to test multiple conditions where records are returned when any one of the conditions are met. It can be used in a SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statement.

What is validate in Oracle?

Purpose. Use the VALIDATE command to check for corrupt blocks and missing files, or to determine whether a backup set can be restored.

What is conditional statement in Oracle?

Conditional selection statements, which run different statements for different data values. The conditional selection statements are IF and CASE . Loop statements, which run the same statements with a series of different data values. The loop statements are the basic LOOP , FOR LOOP , and WHILE LOOP .

2 Answers

The database cost optimizer will consider many factors in structuring the execution of a query. Probably the most important will be the existence of indexes on the columns in question. It will decide the order based on the selectivity of the test and could perform them in different order at different times. Since SQL is a declarative and not procedural language, you cannot generally control the way in which these conditions are evaluated.

There may be some "hints" you can provide to suggest a specific execution order, but you risk adversely affecting performance.

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Jim Garrison Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 00:09

Jim Garrison


In PL/SQL, Oracle OR is another example of short circuit evaluation. Oracle PL/SQL Language Fundamentals says (in part)

Short-Circuit Evaluation

When evaluating a logical expression, PL/SQL uses short-circuit evaluation. That is, PL/SQL stops evaluating the expression as soon as it can determine the result. Therefore, you can write expressions that might otherwise cause errors.


However, in regular SQL, the OR might be evaluated in either order. As pointed out by @JonHeller in his comment the expressions in this question are safe, more caution would be required if dealing with potential division by 0.

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Elliott Frisch Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 00:09

Elliott Frisch