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New posts in logical-operators

How/Can you use both && and || in the same if statement condition?

Relational operators evaluation result

JavaScript: What is the opposite of the logical operator `A && B`?

bash command XOR ^ anothercommand

How to preventing short-circuiting?

Short-circuit evaluation on C

How does the compiler evaluate a condition in C

Is it possible to overload logical and in Python?

Why does using the '~' operator in scala give me a negative value

scala logical-operators

In Ruby, should we always use "&&", "||" instead of "and", "or" unless for special situations? [closed]

ruby logical-operators

Multiple OR or AND conditions in IF statement

Python 3 and-or vs if-else

Precedence of Logical Operators in C [duplicate]

Explanation for this function's output

What is the point of the logical operators in C?

Test if all N variables are different

The difference between & and && in R

Can I use two || and one && in the same if statement in PHP?

Python convert a string to a logic operator