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New posts in logical-operators

What is the result of Perl's &&?

perl logical-operators

Why is {} < function(){}?

Basic programming exercise about logical operators

c logical-operators

Lowering infix operator precedence in R?

Database design / normalization structure needs to contain ANDs, ORs, optional elements and their relationships

What is the difference between short (&,|) and long (&&, ||) forms of AND, OR logical operators in R? [duplicate]

r logical-operators

Inequalities implied by a system of linear inequalities/equalities in Matlab: numerical arguments or counterexample?

How to Idiomatically Test for Overflow when Shifting Left (<<) in Rust?

How to solve && operands to logical scalar

What is the fastest way to perform multiple logical comparisons in R?

Short circuit and operator precedence in C

Logical operator AND with php regular expression

Compare strings with logical operator in R

Can the C compiler optimizer violate short-circuiting and reorder memory accesses for operands in a logical-AND expression?

c logical-operators

Lisp - Logical operators

Logical Or/bitwise OR in pandas Data Frame

Why does (0 && 1 == 0) not evaluate to true?

Performance difference in for loop condition?

logical operators replacing if statements

precedence of ~ and ++ in java