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New posts in language-lawyer

C++ standard: ODR and constexpr std::string_view

Is it allowed to overload operator+ for a standard library type and a built-in type?

Are new C++17 [[nodiscard]] warnings since Visual Studio 15.6.2 compiler update standards-compliant?

Can't compile with static constexpr under pre-C++17 mode

constexpr and undefined behavior

Is it safe to do something like foo(x, &x)?

Why not all the standard headers are preceded with std prefix?

c language-lawyer naming c11 c17

Are all non-member function pointers the same size in C++

Why C++ allows repeated + operators, like in x = 1 + + + + + + + + 2;

c++ language-lawyer grammar

Is a variable that is about to go out of scope an lvalue or an xvalue?

Is the compiler allowed to modify padding bytes

c language-lawyer padding

Why is the deletion of an incomplete type defined as "undefined behaviour"?

c++ language-lawyer

Is it safe to use operator [] for std::string

c++ language-lawyer

Why is implicit pointer of pointer to pointer conversion legal?

c pointers language-lawyer

Overwriting an object with an object of same type

Does the address of the array equal to that of its first element in C++?

Retry local static variable initialization after exception

c++ language-lawyer

C standard prohibition on warnings by default

c language-lawyer

Execution order of operator new and argument of constructor

Why can't C++ deduce T in a call to Foo<T>::Foo(T&&)?