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what is the meaning of the phrase "preceding initialization" in section [expr.const]

Does recursion in the C preprocessor abuse an inconsistency in the standard?

Why can't putc() be implemented as a macro in C++? (Or can it?)

c++ language-lawyer stdio

Where can I find a list of C (and/or C++) keywords covering K&R1/2, C89-C1X and their origins? [closed]

c++ c language-lawyer

Use of this in initializer list

Is it legal in C++11 to inherit from private nested type?

Order of evaluation of f(g(), h()) in C++

c++ c++11 language-lawyer

Do we still need to separately define static members, even if they are initialised inside the class definition?

c++ c++11 language-lawyer

Are 'const' values inside a container actually disallowed?

c++ c++11 language-lawyer

OS X sigaction incorrectly setting sa_mask

Understanding the example on lvalue-to-rvalue conversion

casting pointer to array into pointer

c language-lawyer

Is typename required or not here?

How to determine if two side effects on a assignment are unsequenced?

Will C++ lambda really make copies of parameters captured by copy?

Handing over locked std::unique_lock to new threads

Is `volatile` enough to allow the compiler to handle machine registers with side-effects on read?

c embedded language-lawyer

A compiling example of the hiding mentioned in the Note in [over.unary]/2

static_cast'd pointer value

Is it allowed to initialize array recursively? [duplicate]